最近轉電視時突然聽到一段很熟悉的旋律,我馬上認出這是老歌 Through The Eyes of Love,我小時候從電視上看到的一部電影《花逢月滿永不殘》(Ice Castles) 的主題曲,劇情很簡單,敘述一個頂尖溜冰女選手在重大比賽前突然失明,經過自我放棄後,在旁人的鼓勵之下仍然憑感覺站上冰場參加比賽,雖然已不再是奪牌熱門選手,總算做到了不放棄自己,回頭查一下發現,這類《洛基》類型運動勵志電影在 1976~1980 美國國力的低潮時期突然大增,美國人需要!
這首歌在台灣並不流行,曾經想在兩岸的 KTV 點播卻找不到,最新聽到的不是深烙在我腦海裡的 Melissa Manchester 版本,查了一下原來是好萊塢今年 (2010) 重拍這部電影,主題曲已改由 1985 年次的 Britt Nicole 主唱,唱的很現代很怪,還是搬出心目中最標準的 Melissa Manchester 版過癮一下吧!
這是一部 1978 年的電影,對我而言大約在 1985 年左右從電視上首次聽到,咬字清楚歌詞簡單,印象極深。
Please, don't let this feeling end
It's everything I am
Everything I want to be
I can see what's mine now
Finding out what's true
Since I found you
Looking through the eyes of love
Now, I can take the time
I can see my life
As it comes up shining now
Reaching out to touch you
I can feel so much
Since I found you
Looking through the eyes of love
And now, I do believe
That even in a storm we'll find some light
Knowing you're beside me, I'm all right
Please, don't let this feeling end
It might not come again
And I want to remember
How it feels to touch you
How I feel so much
Since I found you
Looking through the eyes of love
2 則留言:
作曲的 Marvin Hamlisch 於 2012 年 8 月辭世
Barbra Streisand-Tribute to Marvin Hamlisch-September18,2012
Barbra Streisand 唱 The Way We Were, Through The Eyes of Love